The 5th expert seminar of the Centre for Education Policy will be held from 23rd till 25th of November in Subotica. This year the seminar is dedicated to the academic and teaching profession. The aim of the seminar is to critically address the changes in the academic and teaching professions, as well as to present new research approaches and findings in the field in order to initiate new debates in Serbia and the region.
The Fourth Expert Seminar on Education Policy “Financing Education – towards more efficient, effective and equal system of education” was organised by the Centre for Education Policy (CEP) and its UNESCO Chair in Development of Education Research and Institutional Building from 26th to 28th November 2010. Seminar was divided into four blocks: Financing pre-university education, Education finances for the purposes of increased effectiveness and equity, Models of financing higher education and Financial management at the institutional level.
ProgrammeThe second expert seminar of the Centre for Education Policy and its UNESCO Chair in Development of Education Research and Institutional Building was held in Belgrade from 24th till 26th October 2008. The main goal of the seminar was to analyse the approach "Knowledge as Commodity" from different perspectives, in theoretical terms and in terms of concequences of such approach primarily on education system, but also on research activities and employment.
Centre for Education Policy (CEP), in cooperation with the Rectorate of University of Belgrade oranised seminar "Researching Education and Formulating Education Policy", from 28th till 30th September 2007. The main topics of the seminar were: methodology of researching various aspects and levels of education, the connection between scientific research, policy development and education, as well as specificities of the research in this area in Serbia and the region.