
Našu biblioteku čini zbirka od preko 2.000 referentnih knjiga o sociologiji, ekonomiji, upravljanju i drugim oblastima obrazovne politike, metodama istraživanja i drugim relevantnim temama. Knjige su na engleskom ili srpskom jeziku, ali imamo i određen broj naslova na drugim jezicima. Sadržaj biblioteke možete da pregledate na ovom veb-sajtu.

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Naslov Autor Godina izdanja Na stanju
Competition policy in the European Union Michelle Cini
Lee McGowan
1998 Yes
Handbook for domestic election observes 2003 Yes
Handbook of Education Policy Research David N. Plank
Barbara Schneider
Gary Sykes
Timothy G. Ford
2009 Yes
"Europe of Knowledge" P. Maassen
P. Olsen
B. Stensaker
Ǻ. Gornitzka
2007 Yes
"Europe of Knowledge" B. Stensaker
P. Olsen
P. Maassen
Ǻ. Gornitzka
2007 Yes
"From Berlin to Bergen" 2005 Yes
"Slučaj" Student Ilija Moljković 1998 Yes
"Slučaj" Student Ilija Moljković 1998 Yes
"Sshool developmebt as a process" with Team 26 (SDT) Yes
'Ajmo, 'ajde, svi u šetnju! 1997 Yes
10 godina reformi obrazovanja u evropskim zemljama Zvezdana Đurić 2001 Yes
200 years - the University of Oslo 2011 Yes
25 Programa Evropske unije Jasminka Kronja 2005 Yes
25 Programa Evropske unije Jasminka Kronja 2005 Yes
25 Programa Evropske unije Jasminka Kronja 2005 Yes
2nd Annual Exhibition Branislava Anđelković
Branislav Dimitrijević
1988 Yes
4th EUA Convention of European Higher Education Institutions - Europe's universities beyond 2010 diversity with a common purpose 2007 Yes
4th EUA Convention of European Higher Education Institutions - Europe's universities beyond 2010 diversity with a common purpose 2007 Yes
4th EUA Convention of European Higher Education Institutions - Europe's universities beyond 2010 diversity with a common purpose 2007 Yes
A changing society, a changing civil society 2005 Yes
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